
- Classification Frameworks Comparison on 3D Point Clouds F. Patricia Medina (Yeshiva University); co-author: Randy Paffenroth (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), IEEE HPEC 2021.
- (Invited lectures) Two invited lectures, REU summer program “STEM for All”, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
- (Invited Talk) Deep learning in LiDAR and how mathematical ideas can help us in machine learning. Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar. March, California State University Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA.
- (Postdoc/Grad seminar) Deep learning in LiDAR and how mathematical ideas can help us in machine learning. ICERM Graduate Student and Postdoc Seminar. March, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
- (Invited Short Research Talk) Machine learning research in geospatial data. Algebraic Vision Research Cluster, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
- (Invited Talk) Deep learning in LiDAR and how mathematical ideas can help us in machine learning.
- Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium. February, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas. 2019 (Invited Talk) Deep learning in LiDAR and how mathematical ideas can help us in machine learning.
- Mathematics Department Colloquium. February, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California.
- (Research Group Presentation) Deep learning in LiDAR and how mathematical ideas can help us in machine learning. Prof. Randy Paffenroth Data Science Research group. January, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Invited Talk) Deep learning in LiDAR and how measure theory can help us in machine learning. Denksport series. January, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Contributed Talk) Deep Learning for classification of 3D point cloud LiDAR (joint with R. Paffenroth). SIAM Annual Meeting. June 11. Portland, Oregon
- (Contributed Talk) Deep learning in 3D point cloud LiDAR data. Advancing Women’s in Mathematics, New England (AWIMS). July.Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Research Group Presentation) Analysis of Simulated Crowd Flow Exit Data: The Deep Learning Approach. Prof. Randy Paffenroth Data Science Research group. February. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Progress report presentation) for Project 2: Representation of Data as Multi-Scale Features and Measures. Women in Data Science and Mathematics Research CollaborationWorkshop (WiSDM). July 17-21, 2017 at The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Providence, Rhode Island.
- (Poster) Mathematical treatment and simulation for a methane hydrate model. Modern Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics: A workshop in honor of the birthdays of Charles L. Epstein and Leslie Greengard. June 9-10, 2017. Yale University. New Haven, Connecticut.
- (Invited Talk) Evolution of phase transitions in methane hydrate. Schlumberger Research Center. June 8, 2017. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- (Poster) Mathematical Treatment and simulation for methane hydrate models. High Performance Computing Days 2017. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Center of Scientific Computation and Visualization Research. May 25, 2017. North Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
- (Talk) Mathematical treatments and Simulation of a Methane Hydrate Model. Applied Math Days 2017. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. April 8, 2017. Troy, New York.
- (Talk) Numerical Approximations for methane hydrate models. Women's Intellectual Research Sym- posium, New England. A meeting of Mathematical Minds. Brown University. March 4, 2017. Provi- dence, Road Island.
- (Poster) Mathematical treatment and simulation for methane hydrate models. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics. The Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. January 4-6, 2017. Providence, Road Island.
- (Analysis and PDE Seminar) A Consequence of the absence of Dunford-Pettis Property in Orlicz Spaces. December 6, 2016. Department of Mathematical Sciences. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Numerical Analysis Seminar) Numerical Approximation for a Model of Methane Hydrates. De- cember 2, 2016. Department of Mathematical Sciences. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Colloquium Talk) Hybrid Modeling and Analysis of Multicomponent Adsorption with Applica- tions to Coalbed Methane. November 4th, 2016. Department of Mathematical Sciences. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Poster) Hybrid Modeling and Analysis of Multicomponent Adsorption with Applications to Coalbed Methane. The 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Award Ceremony. October 28-30, 2016. Univer- sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- (Talk) Analysis and Numerical Approximations for Kinetic Adsorption Models. Finite Element Circus. October 14-15, 2016. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.
- (Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar talk) Oregon State University. New Stability Framework for Kinetic Systems, November 3, 2015.
- (Poster) Systems of Conservation Laws for Thermodynamically consistent Adsorption. Workshop for Women in Math Sciences. April 6-8, 2016. SAMSI, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
- (Poster Blitz Presentation) Systems of Conservation Laws for Thermodynamically consistent Ad- sorption. Workshop for Women in Math Sciences. April 6-8, 2016. SAMSI, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
- (Conference Talk) Analysis and Numerical Approximation for Adsorption Models. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences. June 29, 2015. Stanford University. Stanford, California.
- (Invited Talk) Analysis and Numerical Approximation for Adsorption Models. SIAM Conference Computational Science and Engineering. March 15th, 2015. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- (Talk) Hyperbolic Systems for Adsorption. Cascade Computational and Applied Mathematics Semi- nar. April 5th, 2014. Corvallis, Oregon.
- (Invited Talk) Numerical approximation for a model of Methane hydrates. Pacific Northwest Nu- merical Analysis Seminar. October 19th, 2013. Seattle, Washington (http://faculty.washington. edu/rjl/pnwnas/2013/Medina_PNWNAS_2013.pdf).
- (Poster) Systems of conservation laws for thermodynamically consistent adsorption with subscale dif- fusion and memory terms. Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy. SIAM Conference on Computational and Mathematical issues in the Geosciences. June 17-20, 2013. Padova, Italy.
- (Contributed Talk) Numerical approximation for a model of methane hydrates. Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy. SIAM Conference on Computational and Mathematical Issues in the Geosciences. June 17-20, 2013. Padova, Italy.
- (Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar talk) Oregon State University. Numerical Approximation for a model of methane hydrates, June 7, 2013.
- (Poster) Systems of conservation laws for thermodynamically consistent Adsorption with sub-scale diffusion (joint with M. Peszynska). SIAM Annual Meeting. July 9-13, 2012. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- (Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar talk) Oregon State University. Hyperbolic systems for adsorption (joint with M. Peszynska). May 25, 2012.
- (Probability Seminar talk) Oregon State University. The Dunford-Pettis theorem, Orlicz spaces and related topics. April 6, 2010.
- (Probability Seminar talk) Oregon State University. On the convergence in mean of martingale difference sequence. April 20, 2010.
- (Analysis Seminar talk) Bowling Green State University. Uniform integrability and the De La Valle Poussin and Dunford-Pettis theorems. March 10, 2008.
- (Conference talk) XVII Jornadas Venezolanas de Matematicas. Non-complementarity of Orlicz spaces in L1[0; 1] and C[0; 1]: March 31-April 2, 2004. Trujillo, Venezuela.
- (Functional Analysis Seminar talk) Orlicz Spaces. Universidad de Los Andes, 2003, Merida, Venezuela.
- (Functional Analysis Seminar) Topology in C[0; 1]: Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela.